ProShot R9

The ProShot R9 receiver combines an affordable price with the features of high end, high cost laser receivers. It’s compatible with all Pro Shot laser levels, and most other brands of rotating lasers on the market. Grade information is conveyed via an LCD front panel display, an LED display on the back, and audio tones.

- Reception Height 50mm
- 3 accuracy settings: 1.6mm, 3.2mm and 4 mm.
- 9 volt battery good for around 60 hours of continuous use.
- Automatic Shut Off …after 12 minutes of no laser strikes.
- Front and back displays. LCD front.. LED back
- 3 Audio settings . Mute low and High
- Sealed against dust and water.
- Low battery Indicator.
- Can catch a rotational red bean from 250 to 1200 RPM
- Includes a strong Clamp . range 16mm to 65mm jaws.
- Made in the USA
- 6 Year Warranty